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Brody Yoder

Hello, My name is Body Yoder.

I attended the WNJA show in Denton Texas A few things that I liked about the show was the clinic. I got to learn how to clip a cow and how to work on my showmanship, and what to do better.

One of my favorite parts was getting to meet other wagyu breeders and to see old friends.

I would like to thank all of the people that put on the show and all the people that run the show.

One last thing is I would like to thank our Sponsor for Buckles and Banners. I won the Grand Champion Full Blood Black Heifer Buckle and got the Reserve Grand Champion Junior Showmanship Buckle, with a few Banners that I have put on my wall in my room.

I would also like to thank Jiyu Wagyu for donating the beef for everyone and Jason Harknes for cooking lunch and dinner.


I am very glad to go to this show, and I am also very glad to get the chance go to the show in Mississippi.

Brody Yoder

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