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The Lonestar Wagyu Inventational


Everyone must check in and be registered on-line even if you are not showing in order to get your free lunch and dinner tickets. Please be sure to visit the Hospitality Center located on the side of the sale building.

Arrival and Checking Times:

Thursday October 24th: 8am - 8pm

Friday October 25th: Until 10am

Check in at Entrance Gate and Main Building.

Events and Shows:

Friday October 25th: 

9am: Juniors Conference 

Location: Main building.

Judge: Nate Horman

12 Noon:  Lunch provided by M6 and Chef Jason.

4pm: Examples of Wagyu Phenotypes and Why bone structure is important to the breed.

Presented By: Kevin Moore M6 Ranch

7pm: A Taste of Wagyu

Delicious Texas Brisket Wagyu

Provided By: Chef Jason

Open Bar, Dancing, Live Band

Saturday October 26th

9am: Wagyu Show

Location: Ring 1 in North Texas Livestock Arena

Juniors Show will follow the open show.

Exhibitors may be released at the conclusion of the show.


  1. Entry form and fee will be completed online through the website. Entry fees $40.00 per entry until September 1st. After September 1st entry fees are $100.00. All fees payable through website.

  2. Jackpot Prospect Show Steer Contest entry fee $150.00

  3. All animals must be registered with either the American Wagyu Association, The Australian Wagyu Association, or the Akaushi Association and recorded in the name of the exhibitor 30 days prior to the Lonestar Wagyu Invitational registration deadline unless entered in the Steer Competition. Exhibitors must have a registration certificate for each animal available for inspection at the show.

  4. There will be Six breeding group class shows: Fullblood Black, Fullblood Red, Fullblood Red Black, Purebred Wagyu and Percentage Female Wagyu and a Jackpot Prospect Steer Class. Breeding group glasses will not compete with each other. There will be 3 divisions of Jr. Showmanship. Junior (ages 8-12) Intermediate (13-15) Senior (16- 21)

  5. Cattle must be entered under the recorded ownership at the time of the show entry deadline. Jointly owned animals must be entered under the multi- ownership (a] co-owners) in the individual classes.

  6. All animals must be properly tattooed and will be inspected at the show. Tattoo must be legible and must match registration papers. Any animal, upon check-in, which does not have a legible permanent identification mark (ear tattoo marks, freeze-branded marks or hot-branded marks) corresponding to the permanent identification on the registration certificate, is ineligible to show. Once disqualified due to an incorrect or illegible permanent identification mark, animals cannot be retattooed and rechecked at the show.

  7. Altering the conformation and/or appearance of an animal for exhibition is prohibited. This includes the covering of white skin, false tail heads (or use of any false hair). The use of graphite, powders, paint, hemp or other similar substances used externally are also prohibited. Animals may not be dyed on the show grounds. Other prohibited products include illegal or unlicensed pharmaceuticals or artificial filling. Any animal found to be in violation will be barred from showing.

  8. Winning animals in all divisions may be subject to DNA Parentage Verification (sire and dam only). If the Parentage cannot be verified by the lab, the exhibitor will not be awarded the prize money and the animal will forfeit its winning position.

  9. All cattle must meet the health requirements set out by the Lonestar Invintational Show Management. Any deviation will be just cause for immediate disqualification from the show.

  10. All bulls above one year of age must show with nose lead. The right to disqualify from the show any animal deemed unmanageable is reserved by the show committee.

  11. All females shown in the cow/calf classes must be shown with a calf at side.

  12. Calf at side in the cow/calf classes must be her last natural born calf (not an embryo calf born to another recipient).

  13. Any person found guilty of misrepresentation of any kind, including age of animal or not abiding by the show rules, will be disqualified and denied the privilege of showing.

  14. Juniors may not show bulls. Jr's do not need to own the animal they show however their family must be a registered member of one of the three named Wagyu Associations and must currently own Wagyu cattle.

  15. Herdsmanship Awards will be presented on Saturday, October 26th.

  16. If for any reason an exhibitor or their animal is disqualified, their placing/winnings will go to the exhibitor that placed next behind them.

  17. There will be a Jr. Showmanship Division. Unlike the confirmation show it is the handlers that are judged. Points will be awarded for the youth handlers’ ability to display an “animal to its greatest advantage.” Jr. Showmanship class’s will have the following divisions: Junior (8-12) Intermediate Showmanship (13-15) and Senior Showmanship (16-21).

  18. ALL EXIBITORS must be stalled in the area designated on their ticket.


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